Extra Curricular

Health & Physical Education

Health and Physical Education promotes an understanding of physical activities, movement, food and nutrition, health, safety, human development and human relationships.

At St Francis of Assisi we believe it is important students develop an early awareness of their own health, wellbeing and physical abilities. We believe in a program which imparts accurate knowledge, fosters desirable attitudes and develops positive practices in relation to both health and physical education.

The Health and Physical Education Program is taught by both the classroom teachers and two specialist teachers. During formal lessons, a variety of skills are taught to students providing opportunity to develop different skills.

Physical Education areas include:

  • Fundamental movement patterns
  • Coordinated actions of the body
  • The concept of fitness
  • Physical activity
  • Growth and development
  • Effective relationships
  • Identity
  • Safety
  • Food and nutrition
  • Sportsmanship

Students are allocated in a house team upon entry to the school. These houses are Mackillop (Red), Mannix (Green), Chisholm (Blue) and Polding (Yellow).


The Languages curriculum at St Francis of Assisi aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that students:

  • communicate in the language they are learning
  • understand the relationship between language, culture and learning
  • develop intercultural capabilities
  • understand themselves as communicators

At St Francis of Assisi all our students learn Italian from Prep to Year 4 and we offer a choice of Italian or Japanese for our Year 5 and 6 students. The Languages Program is aligned with the documentation of Victorian Curriculum.

The Arts

At St Francis of Assisi The Arts enable students to develop their creative and expressive capacities by learning about the different practices, disciplines and traditions that have shaped the expression of culture locally, nationally and globally. Students are both artist and audience in the Arts. They make and respond and learn to appreciate the specific ways this occurs in different disciplines.

Through engaging in The Arts students are entertained, challenged and provoked to respond to questions and assumptions about individual and community identity, taking into account different histories and cultures. We cater for The Arts through the explicit teaching of:

  • Drama
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Media Arts
  • Visual Arts

The Arts curriculum is aligned with the documentation of Victorian Curriculum.


Digital Technologies is a key component of our curriculum at St Francis of Assisi. It is taught in classrooms, the Computer Lab and the Library Resource Centre. This provides students with a range of engaging experiences using current and emerging technologies. We provide safe access to digital educational resources which promote educational excellence through development of students’ knowledge, skills, understandings and application of digital tools. The one-to-one laptop program in years 4, 5 and 6 provides for a rich learning environment that has the potential to promote, enhance and transform the learning of the students. We aim to teach students to develop new thinking and learning skills, to create multimedia products, to develop more productive ways of working and solving problems and to communicate their ideas.

Our Digital Technologies resources at St Francis of Assisi include:

  • Interactive whiteboards in every classroom
  • 6 Ipads in each Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 classroom
  • Additional banks of laptop computers in the Year 2 and Year 3 buildings
  • One laptop per student in Year 4-6
  • Extra iPad sets available to all classrooms
  • A computer lab containing thirty desktop computers
  • Desktop computers, iMacs, MacBooks and iPads in Library Resource Centre
  • Two 3D printers
  • Digital cameras, Flip cameras and digital microphones
  • Laser printers throughout the school
  • A green screen recording studio

Instrumental Music Program

At St Francis we offer an in-house instrumental music program that aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn an instrument during school hours. We offer tuition in keyboard, piano, guitar, drums, violin and singing. The students are taken out of class for a half hour group (max. of three) or individual lesson with highly trained instrumental music teachers.

Students are encouraged to take internal or external exams (AMEB, ANZCA etc.) and are given the opportunity to perform in school recitals and take part in a variety of other school events.

We also strongly encourage our senior students enrolled in instrumental music lessons to participate in a music ensemble throughout the year. To participate in an ensemble is to use your current skills in playing your instrument/singing, and combine these with other students’ skills. It extends a student’s music experience, broadens their repertoire, and gives the students the opportunity to meet other students who share their passion in music. These ensembles occur during lunchtime and before or after school at no extra cost to parents.

Click to download the enrolment form below. Print it off, fill it out and return it to the school office.

Instrumental Music enrolment form


Passion Projects

Passion Projects value the importance of student voice and choice. Student motivation is increased when students have the opportunity to work with contemporary tools and practises to solve problems.

Passion Projects at St Francis of Assisi School us an inquiry approach to learning, students have the opportunity to question, look for answers and demonstrate their understandings in a variety of ways. Students investigate areas of interest that honour curriculum learning areas such as Health and Physical Education, Technologies (Design and Digital) The Arts and Science. Students will participate in the design process and use creative and critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and reflection and evaluation skills to design, construct and use and evaluate various products.

Students will develop 21st Century learning skills through this explorative, hands-on and active approach to learning. They will use various materials and tools. Students will meet in their Passion Project group once a fortnight from 11:30am-3:30pm. The session is facilitated by a teacher.

Our students in Year 5 and 6 were surveyed and asked to share their areas of interest, these included:

  • Visual Arts
  • Technology
  • Robotics
  • Kitchen Garden
  • Performing Arts
  • Science
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Design & Engineering

As a celebration of learning, students will organise an exhibition and share their learning with the community. This may include a student gallery, performance, student teaching student seminars, students teaching parents expo or taking action within or beyond our school community.